
Night life of a mum

8:24:00 pm

Being a mum is exhausting, most of my nights consist of a cold dinner once Charlie is in bed. A shower which I jump out of three million times because I think I hear him screaming... Yes he was asleep each and every time. Then falling asleep before I get the chance to do things like paint my nails or read a book.

But, last night was different! I carried out Charlie's normal bed time routine, dinner bath bottle bed (then left him at home under the care of his Nan). Then got dressed up, and headed out on the town for dinner and cocktails, followed with some late night shopping and then some more vodka! It was my girlfriends 19th birthday and we thought we would treat ourselves! 

Let me just say... Thankyou to Hogs Breath Cafe, may your curly fries cause me to become obese! And your cocktails cause me to become an alcoholic! 

If my last meal was this all over again, I would die one happy woman! 

I guess the purpose of this post is to let all you mums know that it's OK to have a break for a few hours! Have one or five well deserved drinks! You will get home and be so refreshed and ready to face your daily routine again untill a few months go by and you want that break again 😂 haha! 

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