Christmas & Boxing Day
8:56:00 pmMy Grumps (grandfather) said something yesterday which pretty much summed it all up in a few short words. "We look forward to this moment each year, it's a shame that it only comes around once".
It touched my heart a little because even though I try to take Charlie to see them as much as I can. Some of the family only do visit once a year for Christmas and it's the only time we are all together at once.
Christmas Day
We woke up at 6am! I was so excited for Charlie to open his presents I didn't even try to coax him back for snuggles to et some extra sleep! He opened all the presents from us and santa, then the mad rush began to prepare food and set up tables for lunch which I was hosting (:
With the help of my fiancé and sister in law we got everything set up and looking lovely! (:
The day was fabulous, great company, delicious food, alcohol and lots of laughs. Charlie got absolutely spoilt rotten! He has so many toys which I don't even know where to put.
The extended families all left at their own pace and for the immediate family the lunch tuned into dinner where all the left overs once again made a really good feast.
Boxing Day
Boxing Day we went and visited my grandparents on my dads side who we did not see on Christmas Day. They absolutely adore Charlie and I wish I could take him to see them so much more often!
Afterwards we went to Shane's mums side of the family which was a dinner. That was a fabulous afternoon with food, backyard cricket, fun, laughter and some more sneaky beverages! (: