
It isn't always easy

2:15:00 pm

It takes a lot for me to put this out there, on the internet for everyone to see.. For the whole world to judge me? 

Sometimes I feel like a bad person for feeling this way, but I hope that it's somewhat normal.. 

Motherhood is hard, actually I should say Parenthood is hard! Especially for the one who is at home with bub all day everyday. It's quite draining for me to be honest.. I love Charlie to pieces and wouldn't change having him for the world! But sometimes I feel like lockng myself in a room and pretending he doesn't excisit for a minute. When his screaming for no reason, or the constant nagging whinge if his bored or over tired. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't cut out for parenting? 

But.. All he has to do is a cheeky little grin or climb up into my arms for a cuddle and I know all the down moments are so worth it! 

Sorry for the little vent post, but hopefully someone might read this and no that what they are feeling is normal and your not alone in this world of parenting. It's a massive roller coaster that's for sure! 

💜 mummyblogger xx

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  1. I think we have all felt this way as parents. I know when Alexander has been screaming and I was unable to console him I've thought to myself 'what am I doing wrong'. Then they smile at you, kiss you and say mummy and you know it's all worth it. Just remember you're never alone in it all. You're doing a great job mumma!!

  2. We all have those days!!! Hardest work ever!!!

    New follower x

  3. I'm glad I'm not alone with this (: thanks!


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