Bottle Feeding |formula|
8:10:00 amOkay ladies! My little pre week topic post will be up this afternoon but for now I wanted to shout out to all those gorgeous mummas that bottle feed!
Some of you may have tried your little heart out to breast feed and couldn't, well don't let it bring you down! The rest have you might have chosen not to breast feed for personal reasons and I am not here to judge that either! In the end we are all still feeding our babies right?
Let's weigh up the differences shall we?
Breast vs Bottle
| breast feeding is easier, in my opinion anyway! No making bottles, no formula, no carrying extra things around with you!
| but then again with bottle feeding you know exactly how much your baby is being fed and it forms more of a structures feeding routine!
| since formula feeding Charlie sleeps through the night 🙌
| other people cn help with feeding your baby when they are having bottles
| I don't feel as you bond as closely when bottle feeding.
However you feed your child well done! We are all parents and all doing amazing jobs 💋 #mummyblogger