
Where is my baby

8:14:00 am

I owe a lot to you my darling. You gave me direction, you shaped me as a person and smoothed those jaggered edges which I was fighting to keep. My lifestyle became healthier and my world began to revolve around you. To you I am thankful. 

But where have you gone? Where is my baby? I now have this little boy standing infront of me. His dark brown eyes smile as his mind ticks; always thinking. He will turn two years old on Tuesday. A bright, happy, cheeky toddler. 

You have achieved so many things in the past two years. Recently I have watched you become a big brother, the love and affection you show your baby brother is something els. The worry in your eyes when he cries tells me I don't need to worry; you'll protect him.

Charlie my darling you push me to my limits most days and 80% of the time I snap, the other 20% we giggle at your naughtiness. I wish we could giggle more often, your only small for such a short time. Over the next 12 months I promise to try more. Try to work with you rather than against you, laugh at your cheekiness and only get grumpy when it's really necessary. 

Happy birthday my beautiful little man, you make me proud each and every day. I love you.

If I can't hear you mummy I can't get into trouble...

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