
The Milk Pantry | yummy lactation products

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The Milk Pantry is an Australian owned, Queensland based, independent store ran by a mumma of three kiddies who goes by the name of Jess. Jess has had hands on experience with breastfeeding and has fought her own battles with lactation. Here is a little about Jess, her journey and The Milk Pantry in her own words. 

“I have 3 kids and my eldest is 8 and youngest is 16months. We live on the Sunshine Coast Queensland.
My breastfeeding journey started 8 yrs ago with my first baby. I was always keen to breastfeed and had no reason not to. My mother had natural labours and the occasional bout of mastitis so my expectations of birth and breastfeeding were positive.
An emergency cesarean and a few complications had my breastfeeding journey to a rocky start.
I suffered chronic mastitis, an oversupply and an undersupply. I was always determined to breastfeed as long as I could so when I was struggling to produce enough milk I would bake cookies to boost my supply. I've always turned to natural therapies before medication.
The Milk Pantry started when a friend of mine was having her second baby. She had trouble producing enough milk with her first and as a gift I gave her a lactation cookie mix in a jar ready to go if she needed a boost this time around. Word got out about the cookie mixes and I had local breastfeeding mums asking for them.
A year later and I have a large range of products that I've designed myself that can help boost breastmilk supply but that are healthy and nourishing. I use organic products whenever possible and keep the mixes preservative free & additive free. The Milk Pantry's products are also available at selected baby stores, and pharmacies and online.”

The Milk Pantry has a range of lactation products including:

• cookie mixes
• brownie mix
• bliss bites mix
• mumma musili
• mumma shakes

G I V E A W A Y  T I M E
How would you like to win some of the milk pantries lactation products plus some breast feeding essentials? 
ALL FREE no charge at all, not even postage! 
Well it's coming, make sure your tuned into Instagram or Facebook so you don't miss out. 

Explore these following links in your own time to view the amazing work of Jess at The Milk Pantry ! 

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