

6:01:00 pm

Still no OB nope still nothing. Any pregnant woman who has been in my position I'm sure could feel my frustration. Horrid first birth, no support. The only support this time would be this OB but guess what she is pregnant with the same due date almost as me! So I'll most likely get palmed off anyway... If anyone has birthed in Traralgon Hospital is there a OB who is VBAC supportive? I'm running out of options at CGHS in Sale which is disappointing. 

But that's all I have to rant and rave about I promise. 
The last two weeks have flown by, like the whole pregnancy so far to be honest. Hubby had a knee op and along side Charlie it's been like having two children to run around after! But I wouldn't have it any other way. 
I have gotten more of a belly, a few aches and pains have begun but over all I'm feeling pretty well. 

20 W E E K S C A N
I had my scan today, baby is strong healthy and active. More cooperative than Charlie also which was fabulous! I'm measuring a week or two ahead of my EDD but eh. My placenta is growing at the back which apparently is perfect for attempting a VBAC - due to it not attaching to scar tissue from the previous cesarean. 
The tech wrote the gender down in a sealed envelope and I passed it into the baker without peaking! Which was surprisingly easy haha. We will find out the gender at our cake reveal in 9 long days.
Until then you can join me in suspense ♥️

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