Losing that baby weight | THE REALISTIC WAY

8:14:00 pm

It's so easy to say "I'll loose all the baby weight once bub is born" and yes for me personally whilst I was breast feeding I dropped all my baby weight and more! But once I stopped magically it all returned...
So with baby #2 I'm going to be realistic, plan ahead and maintain a healthier lifestyle for not only myself but my whole family. This can be hard, especially when you don't have time to think let alone eat; but with planning and assistance it is possible. 

Exercises you can do with the kids:
• Put baby in the pram and get out in the fresh air, go for a walk. It might not seem like much but apart from being exercise this will also help you stay positive on those long tiring days. 
If you have a baby with their days and nights mixed up taking them out in the sun during the day will help decifer days and nights. 
• If like myself you have an older child as well, a walk is more trouble than it's worth. That's not to say you can't still get outside. Go out on the lawn and chase after your older one, your little one will most likely be mesmerised by looking around whilst laying in their pram or bouncer. Pets are also another great excuse to get outside! Go down to your local park and let your older one chase around your dog whilst you walk along with baby in the pram. 
• Not all exercise needs to be done outside, let's be frank the weather isn't always fabulous and some days we don't even want to wear a bra. Turn on the most energetic music you have and dance around with the kids, have some fun, laugh and play. You'll be surprised how much this will wear you out! 
• Using your babe as weights, holding them whilst you do sit ups, and planking over them whilst making faces are also great fun ways to incorporate exercise and entertaining babe! Do some lunges whilst he/she is in the stroller and each time your at their level give them a little kiss or make a face. 

Get outside and have some fun with your little ones! Exercise doesn't need to be aggressive, just be consistent ♥️

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