It's the little things
2:52:00 pmPeople show affection to the ones they love with out realising they are doing so. That twinkle in your eyes, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and the little smile that starts in only one corner of your mouth.
Today Charlie started patting me on the head, I took no notice and told him I wasn't a dog. He laughed and continued to pay me and then proceeded to lay his was down as though he was sleeping. And again he patted my head but this time he wanted me to lay my head down.
He was stroking my hair, he was trying to relax me and gesture for me to sleep.
This is what I do to him when we snuggle. Majority of the time I don't even realise I'm doing it. But it obviously makes an impact on him.
My gorgeous little boy, his already showing me affection.
It's crazy the things children take notice of and copy.
It can also go the other way....
Charlie has decided he enjoys telling me off. Pointing at me and saying Daa Taach
meaning Don't Touch. It's the cutest thing and I can't help but giggle at him. It also makes me think? How often do I tell him off, tell him not to touch things. When really his just experimenting, pushing limits and trying new things.