
F E B R U A R Y || flatlay

9:19:00 pm

February came and went so quickly! It's now the first of march. Oh my goodness my baby boy will be ONE this month! 

This past month Charlie cut his two top eye teeth, has started standing with no support and has taken two steps! His also in size 1 clothing. Bye bye cute 0 outfits. 
He will soon be walking and stumbling everywhere and most people will probably think I push him around because I know he will have SO many bumps and bruises. His clumsy at the best of times, now walking oh my. 

Catcher Bibs
I purchased these odd looking bibs which have like a scoop/bucket type front. Theory being that they catch any food the doesn't quite make it to the mouth! Since Charlie is eating lots of finger food and practically everything we are eating, these have been fantastic! Beside the fact that he shoves food down the side of him to save it for later.....

Cupboard locks
In his 11th month of life Charlie has started walking around the walls, furniture, cupboards and anything he can touch! He has also mastered opening and closing cupboards and draws. 

Tot sox
Ive stumbled across a fabulous little invention that I need to tell you all about! A rubber based sock that helps your pre walkers / walkers stumble less. 
Look out for my full review in the upcoming days! 

Rimmel wake me up concealer
My babe cut 4 teeth this month. 

I was going to leave it at that, but I thought any mums to be might want an insight 😂
I've had minimal sleep this month. I woke up with ugly dark bags under my eyes, I looked like a ZOMBIE! This concealer hands down is my life. 

Baby free time! 
Whether it be coffee and chats with a girlfriend, a few drinks and dinner with your lover or even jut a few hours on your own baby free to read a book or like me.... Clean the house. Everyone needs a little bit of baby free time. If you don't, please send some tips my way!

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