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I'm no J.K Rowling, but I do love to write. Which generally goes hand in hand with reading. There has been a lot of controversy about the Fifty Shades sequal of books and the new realise movie. 

The books, written by E.L James are in my opinion AMAZING. It's the most intriguing sequal I have read, it possesses you and your imagination runs wild on the romantic addictive  journey. 

Here are my 5.0 shades of parenting that I've encounterd over the past (almost) 12 months! 

1.0  O V E R W H E L M E D 
When I first returned home from hospital I tried to structure every little aspect of my life. I attempted to control everything else because I was so overwhelmed in not having any control of this little life that I brought into this world. I had no idea. 

2.0  L E A R N I N G
I am constantly learning about parenting at the same rate as Charlie is developing. As he goes through different stages I seem to also learn different concepts and techniques. I have learnt to be very flexible and accepting to the changes in which we make whilst adapting to the developmental stages Charlie goes through. 

3.0  S T R E S S 
That first hospital trip is always so scary! You will most likely go to the hospital knowing that you dont really need to be going there, but you still go anyway just to put your own mind at ease. 
We spent 4 hours in emergency with the outcome that Charlie was "teething". Thanks for that docs. 

4.0  R O L E P L A Y
I was a granddaughter, daughter, sister, lover and friend. 
I am now all of those things as well as a parent. A mother trying to find her feet and attempting to have time for herself, her lover, family and friends in a world of craziness. 

5.0  I N T I M A C Y
Intamacy with your partner is the spark in every relationship. But whilst I was breastfeeding I really struggled with the concept of sharing my body with both my partner and my son.

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