Featuring |@one_of_a_kind_shop_55|
7:11:00 pmMy experience with SWADDLING!!!
Well my little cherub spent the first month of his life in hospital, so the best way to keep him happy and calm when we couldn't hold him all the time was a nice tight and snuggly swaddle!! it made him feel like he was always being snuggled and it also aids in soothing newborns who have the startle reflex still very much intact...so at the time it was a life saver and the only thing I could offer my baby for comfort.
Now silly me thought that when I got him home at 1 month old I would stop swaddling (trying to do it early so that he wouldn't rely on it) but it was too late, he very much loved his swaddle... so we stuck at it and got some decent sleep... Until at about 4 months he ROLLED over, and then my mummy fears kicked in and I knew the swaddle had to go, so one night at about 4 1/2 months old we went cold turkey and removed the swaddle and put blankies over him but tucked them in tight into the cot so he still had a bit of pressure on his chest but his hands were free to roam about... ABSOLUTE FAIL ! when he got his hands free he would eat his hands ad then scream and scream and scream until I fed him.. arghh it was so tiring.. but we stuck at it for about 2-3 weeks of this which was zero fun, and then I decided I was only gonna feed him once in the middle of the night coz he was 5 months and did not need 2-3 feeds a night. well we did a lot of controlled crying and it took a few nights, but when I actually stuck to the control crying guidelines properly they worked like a charm :) so at 5 1/2months we were swaddle free and now at 7 1/2 months he sleeps brilliantly (most nights anyway) without a swaddle and just with his blankies, we have had a few other hiccups in that two months from no swaddle to now though with teeth, the dummy and hot summer nights but that's a story for another time :)
GOODLUCK to all the mummies out there, wether you are going through the horrible transition from swaddle to no swaddle or if you have a dream baby who slept without a swaddle from birth, Im sure you are all being brilliant mummas xx