Bluntly honest parenting
10:01:00 amSit down, Shut up and Hang on. Parenting is one hell of a ride.
Always bring coffee and expect the unexpected.
My little babe has completely turned my world upside down, thrown everything around and the place looks like a bombs hit it. Who would have thought that's what it took to make me happy?
Sleep is non exsistant, you come to terms with not showering as often as you did, and when you do shower you think babe is screaming when they are still fast asleep.
You will get pooed, wee'd and vomited on in the first 24 hours of being a parent.
You won't use half the things you just "had to have" for baby.
You will say "I'm never having another child" then 10 months later miss your belly and that newborn smell.
You'll also fall inlove with someone before you meet them.
You'll do anything in your power to protect them and put yourself in danger for another life.
Love will have a whole new meaning.