
New Years Resolutions

9:14:00 pm

Another year has flown by! Each year seems to be going by quicker and quicker! 

Did you complete your resolution for this year? Yep.. That one you made at midnight last year, a little intoxicated and probably a little far stretched.. 
Well I think I did, mine was made sober though with an active little boy in my belly (: 
I wanted to give birth to a healthy baby and be the best possible mum I could be. I am doing that now, I try really hard. 

This year will be my first night in on New Years Eve! Even last year when I was pregnant with Charlie we went out and watched the fire works at Lakes Enterance. This year though, I'm going to snuggle up on the couch with my loves, eat some chocolate and drink some wine. Whilst watching the fire works on television (: 
I honestly couldn't think of anything more perfect! 

My New Years Resolution: 
To focus more on the happiness of myself and my family. 
I have always been someone who wants to please everyone all the time, I just can't do that. I use to put myself last and everyone els first. Well this year that's changing (: 
The health and happineaa of myself and my family is coming befor anything! 
I will still care for others, but in a balanced way. 

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