
Transformation from newborn nursery to little boy/girl room

10:05:00 pm

I'm currently going through this at the moment! Changing up Charlie's room from a babies nursery to a little boys room where he can play and look at more colours and things! 

One change I have made so far is moving the rocking chair I breast fed him in at night which was next to his cot into the corner and loaded up all his teddies onto it as a little display. He no longer wakes during the night anymore so it didn't really need to be right by his cot anymore (:  
I'm also changing up the style and theme a little! His nursery was really calming and neutral so for me this is easy because I can just introduce colour! But for some of you who had a really bold nursery theme you made need to completely change it up! But hey, look on the bright side... More shopping! Everyone loves shopping especially for their little bundle of cuteness and terror haha. 

I was considering setting up a "play room" now that his on the move a little more and his toys are forever ring thrown around the lounge room, rather than filling up his bedroom with toys? What do you think? I have a really big room kind of centred in my house which has floor boards and doesn't get used at all! It would be the perfect "Charlie Room"!  So I'm also really excited to buy heaps of things to decorate that room too (: 

I'll keep you all updated on what I decide to do and show you the finished products! #mummyblogger xo

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