
Breast Feeding |how to prepare|

8:58:00 pm

Hey guys. Here's a little background on my breast feeding experience with Charlie! (: 

I have just recently stopped feeding Charlie, I EBF (exclusively breast fed) for 4 months and then continued to breast feed whilst introducing solids. At 6 and a half months Charlie was on 100% formula and 3 solid meals a day. I weaned him into formula slowly, which not only benefited his belly in the transition but also my boobies whilst drying up! I'll write about that in another post though. So my goal was 6 months and I exceeded that by two weeks yay. (: 

Here are some things to have on hand at home and in your hospital bag ready to breast feed!
| BREAST PADS!!!! lots and lots of breast pads! I cannot make it any more clear, those nice Lacey bras will become rotten and milk stained I'm sorry girls but it's a part of motherhood. 
| Nursing pillow, it looks like a triangle pillow but it hugs your waist more to comfort your baby to support them in the correct position to breast feed. Trust me your arms will get tired! 
| Nipple Cream. Majority of you will get sore cracked bleeding and blistered nipples. Apply some moisturising nipple cream regularly! Also seek help to re attach bub! If it hurts bub is not attached properly. Breast feeding shouldn't hurt (:
| Breast Pump & closer to nature style bottles. I'll touch base more about this in another post this week, but if your wanting to express milk or even just pump to relieve pressure this is really handy to have in the cupboard! I say closer to nature because their bottles and teats are designed to be the closest to the natural feel and shape of your breast. Charlie transitioned perfectly!

Let's work together to normalise breastfeeding 💕

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